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Rainbow Week! Sale through December 1st!


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About the Print: TLC

T-Boz. The first design in our Swedish dish cloth set, cause it’s the T in TLC, but the third piece to be created because it was tough, kind of like T-Boz herself ha! This print is a whimsical play on her name, teacups with steamy Boz. And we gotta say it’s pretty hot! 

Left Eye. An obsession with eyes continues.  I was never able to create an eye print to completion because I was never satisfied with the composition. It always felt like I was missing something. Little did I realize, I just needed to draw the Left Eye!  😂 Just kidding, it was the addition of the flower shape around the eyes that added the extra fun oomph it needed, which made it a unique and strong addition to the collection. 

Chilli. Since I was a kid I have loved Chilis; not to eat but just as aesthetically pleasing objects. I had a poster on my bedroom wall of all the different types of Chilis; they were as iconic to me as Sunflowers. I love them so much that I honestly can’t see how everyone doesn’t love them, so I hope people love this print as much as they love Chilli