I started this unicorn back in January. My plan was to do my own version of a drawing by Lyon (a unicorn creating a rainbow), for my Powwowworldwide mural. After talking it over with my team though, I decided to simplify and actually take out the star of the show. So this creature sat untouched for months and months. But then one day as we sat drawing together, Lyon decided to make more unicorns and creative variations of unicorns. He drew a “turtacorn,” an “elestracorn,” and even a “candycorn.” Then he told me he wanted me to make my own special version of a unicorn too. I had already completed one way back when of course, but I took his challenge, re-looked at it, and changed it up- janafied it, If you will.
Some of my Corona artwork has just been sitting gathering dust, but I wanted to turn this one in particular into a coloring sheet because I think everyone needs some kind of magical beast in their life. More than ever we need positivity around us, and I think a little bit of unicorn could be good. I tried to keep it simple, hope you enjoy it...please color, share, and help me give him/her a name.
Download the coloring sheet for "Janacorn" here.
Jana Lam is a Honolulu, Hawaii based design company that focuses on products and accessories for an endless summer. Lam's beach front home once served as the production house of her handmade in Hawaii line of one-of-a-kind, hand-printed and sewn apparel and home accessories. In Fall 2017, printing and production moved out of the home studio, and the Jana Lam Studio + Shop was opened in Kaka'ako.