Of Plans and Papayas. . .
It’s my 40th birthday today. It’s a big one. In 2019 I anxiously awaited 2020 and started filling it with big, fun plans. I didn’t have a specific agenda for this day but I was excited for what was sure to be some kind of momentous celebration. Now the day has arrived and it’s funny, I’m still kind of antsy, but honestly I’m not even craving a party. Even in the calmer, less eventful moments of 2020, for me there’s been an overhanging sense of anxiety and dread- and not just because of the global pandemic enveloping us. It feels like boulder after boulder, bad news after bad news piling up on our shoulders; the latest of course being the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She accomplished so much and meant so much not only to women, but the entire country. I can’t even imagine the weight she must have felt in the time before she passed, knowing the possible consequences her passing would bring. These consequences are what I think about now more than missing and pouting over my would-have-been fortieth birthday bash. I’m thinking about my next forty years, and my kids’ next forty years.
It’s in that spirit that we took all the Papaya totes that had defects from the manufacturer and repurposed then into clutches. This was Megan’s fantastic idea, and it has made me very excited, and I have just been waiting to spill about it.
Roe v Wade is a gigantic issue, and with the opening left by RBG most likely being filled by the GOP nominee, it’s in even greater peril. What can we do to save it? All we can do is vote and show our support.
20% of proceeds from the sales of these clutches will go to Planned Parenthood like that of it’s predecessor totes. Every little bit counts.